SUOMI - dessin original

“Finland? Green, as far as the eye can see … That’s how I see this country, in whose name I made my 4th album, and with a lot of joy. What began with a meeting in an embassy in a distant country – because Algeria was very far from Finland – became a musical project, and I worked there with commitment and intensity. . At the base of the project was the anniversary of the country’s centennial of independence, on December 6, 2017, and at the center were the riches of its folk music.

For several months we gave it the best of ourselves, for the accompaniments, the lyrics, the melodies: it was captivating. And the day of the presentation was our ‘try out’, the test that would show us if our efforts were worth it … It seems to me that was the case, and here is the result.

On the musical level, beyond the technique, it was especially the heart that dominated, and it also concerned the exchange on the human level, the friendship between countries and peoples: Finland, Algeria, France, Holland, and all this in the heart of Algiers. It was a moment in time. May the fragrance of this meeting embalm eternity.”


Suomi - feuille 3
Suomi - feuille 1
Suomi - feuille 2